Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Makkah Bus Project Officially Launched as Trial Period Ends

The Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites (RCMC) has announced the official launch of the Makkah Bus project after the end of the trial period.

The Makkah Bus Project will contribute to serving the residents and visitors of Makkah and improving the quality of life by providing safe and fast buses on less crowded and more organised roads.

The project is distinguished by several advantages, such as having designated seats for those with disabilities as well as comprehensive coverage for all municipalities in Makkah, in addition to buses that are environmentally and human-friendly.

It will also contribute to achieving the objectives of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in terms of localising global expertise in the field of public transportation.

Moreover, it will offer highly skilled jobs for males and females and contribute to building a vibrant, diverse, and rich economy.

It is noteworthy that the RCMC had earlier announced the serving of 100,000,000 beneficiaries on the Makkah Bus project during the trial period, with a number of trips exceeding 1,700,000.

The beneficiaries of the service represented both residents and visitors to Makkah, making it among the most widely used public transportation services in the Middle East and North Africa during a period of one and a half years.


Saudi Gazette
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