Money & BusinessSaudi Arabia

What if the US Starts Paying Saudi for Oil in Riyal?

In the ever-shifting realm of global trade, the age-old question of what currency should dominate oil transactions has reemerged with vigour. A scenario that once seemed improbable is now creating murmurs in corridors of power: What would the world look like if the U.S. were to begin settling its oil transactions with Saudi Arabia not in its native dollars but in Saudi riyals?

Economic Aftershocks and New Norms

To grasp the potential aftermath, one must first understand the roots. BRICS, with its recent inductee, Saudi Arabia, has been exploring avenues for settling oil dues using local currencies, with India as a keen participant.

When India paid the UAE in rupees rather than the standard U.S. dollars for oil, it wasn’t just a blip but a signal. This move might seem singular, but with BRICS nations gradually favouring their local currencies over the U.S. dollar for oil dealings, it’s nothing short of a tectonic shift.

Now, consider the enormity, if Saudi Arabia — a country whose vast swathes of arid land sit atop a black gold treasure — decided to invoice the U.S. in riyals. The immediate reaction from global markets would be significant.

Such a precedent would likely spur other oil moguls to consider sidestepping the dollar, laying the foundation for diverse trade mechanisms that prioritize local currencies.

It’s not just about economics; it’s about power and influence on the global stage. By suggesting a shift away from the U.S. dollar, the oil nations might well be opening Pandora’s Box.

Geopolitical Ramifications: Rethinking Alliances

Venturing beyond immediate economic ramifications, this shift in currency preference could reshape the landscape of international politics.

The U.S., once considered the epicentre of global trade, might need to revisit its relationships and the agreements it once took for granted. Would America be ready for a world where its currency no longer reigns supreme in oil trade?

Exchange rate dynamics would bear the brunt of this change. The newfound demand for riyals could unleash a cascade of price fluctuations, creating ripples across foreign exchange markets.

For the U.S., this isn’t just about adapting to a new method of transaction. The actual cost implications when acquiring oil could, in essence, throw a wrench in the economic machinery.

But it’s not just the U.S. contemplating its place in this altered reality. Other countries, particularly economic powerhouses like China and Russia, have long been vocal about their desire to lessen the U.S. dollar’s stranglehold on global trade.

If Saudi Arabia’s theoretical preference for the riyal materializes, it might embolden a multitude of nations to challenge the status quo. This evolution could well see many countries gravitating towards the BRICS ethos, leaving the Western financial paradigms in their wake.

In weaving through this maze of possibilities, the takeaway is clear. A world where the U.S. pays for its oil in riyals isn’t merely about currency. It’s a world reimagining its economic strategies, realigning its alliances, and redefining power dynamics.

Only time will tell if this becomes our reality or remains a tantalizing “what if”. But one thing’s for sure: the audacity of even considering such a shift is a sign that the tides of global trade are, indeed, turning.



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