
Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks

Huge fires in Israel’s Galilee region are once again raging out of control following stepped-up rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel. Some reports are citing over 20 wildfires in various locations.

Israeli media has confirmed that “a large blaze is spreading in the Ramim Ridge area, near Kiryat Shmona, reportedly as a result of rocket impacts in the area over the past day.” Homes in Kiryat Shmona have been destroyed and the fires are surrounding more communities.

Fire and rescue teams have been working around the clock to extinguish the blazes. “Meanwhile, the service says firefighting efforts also continue in the Golan Heights, following a major fire sparked yesterday as a result of a Hezbollah rocket barrage at the Katzrin area,” Times of Israel reports.

Since Oct.7 there’s been daily tit-for-tat fighting along the Israel-Lebanon border, but the past week has witnessed a noticeable uptick in the intensity of the fighting, also as Israel has expanded its Rafah offensive in southern Gaza.

On Monday Hezbollah announced a new first–it launched a squadron of drones against the Israeli military’s Galilee headquarters. Additionally dozens of Katyusha rockets rained down on the occupied Golan Heights.

“Air raid sirens sounded numerous times across northern Israel, sending residents running for shelter,” Reuters reports. “The Israeli military said it had intercepted one drone from Lebanon carrying explosives, and at least two others fell in northern Israel.”

Reuters additionally confirmed, “Continuous rocket and drone launches since Sunday have set off massive wild fires in Israel’s north.”

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